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HCR® Heat is a jump-free workout that will kick start your metabolism and keep you burning calories for hours after the exercise session. Once you've gone through the Every Woman programme, Heat is the next step.

It’s the Pelvic floor friendly fat loss class with SOUL


Welcome to Holistic Core Restore® HEAT where we’ve finally nailed exercise for fat loss that is also ‘Pelvic Floor Friendly’! It’s a ‘no-jump’ workout that truly will hit all the fat loss markers and jump-start your metabolism and keep you burning calories for hours after the exercise session. Once you’ve gone through the ‘Everywoman’ programme, ‘Heat’ is your next step and we truly take it up a notch or two with a change in music and tempo to truly get you moving but with a deep respect for your Pelvic Health. Ultimately, IT CAN BE DONE. You can keep both feet on the ground and still have effective fat loss!


Join the class and feel the difference

Easy to follow classes, feel your arms getting stronger, hearts pumping, glutes working and pelvic floor and core working with you and not against you!!

Next intake…. Jan 2022

Join us on Wednesday nights 8pm from 26th January.

1 weekly live class ( x12), plus 12 wks of video content to follow along as homework between your sessions.

We will have a few additional outdoor session.

£147 - 12 weeks / or £49 per month.

Just sign up here:

If you are not a HCR Everywoman graduate but feel like you are ready to join, you can sign up here and we will send you a health form to complete prior to the course starting to ensure that this class is suitable for you.


This is the kit you will need we can provide this before we start

( Everywoman graduates we will provide the slider and you will need to get some 1, 2, 3 kg weights. )